Tips and tricks to improve website speed and performance

Stintlief Technologies
3 min readAug 17, 2020


Slow loading of a website is perhaps one of the worst things that can happen to your website. Studies show that on an average websites take about 3 seconds to load. If the sites do not load within 5 seconds, many people tend to look for alternative websites. It automatically results in conversion reduction. Your website or your blog is essential to your business, and if it is slow what impression does it give to your customers.

According to a research, 1second delay in loading web pages causes:

  • 12% lesser page views.
  • 15% decrease in customer satisfaction.
  • 8% decline in conversion.

So that is the problem, but what is the solution? What can you do to make your website faster? Following are some tips and tricks to improve your website’s speed and performance:

  1. Use of a CDN — A CDN or Content Delivery Network works to improve the speed and performance of a website by using the server closest to the user. The best CDNs give you a higher storage speed along with dynamic and intelligent caching and more security features.
  2. Shrink the Java and CSS script — There are many things that can be optimized in the code of the website. The best website designing companies create codes that are optimized for the best performance of your website even in the busiest network. If you have used applications like WordPress, you can use the tools or plugins to obtain this goal.
  3. Reduce the image size — Images constitute the majority of the size of websites. It is attractive to have HD images on your site, but if it causes the site to load slowly, maybe it isn’t the right choice. Web designing services often have tools to reduce the size of images. WordPress has a plugin Smush to reduce the resolution and size of images without much loss of quality.
  4. Dedicated hosting — Most small business owners or bloggers use a shared hosting facility. This is of course beneficial because of its economic feasibility. But in case your hosting partners have greater traffic on their site suddenly, you will get the shorter end.
  5. Reduce Http requests — It is no rocket science that the simpler your website, the faster it runs. If you have different media on your site and different types of data, the page will load slowly. You can ask your website designing company to make the site with lesser Http requests for smoother running of your site.
  6. Mobile friendly coding — The majority of internet users are on smartphones. In the coming time, the fraction of mobile phone users is sure to increase. Thus, you need to develop your sites to be mobile-friendly. The sites developed mainly for use on PCs take longer to load on mobile devices. Mobile-based sites can boost your business by a margin.
  7. Use of cache — Caching means storing a temporary version of the web page’s on the user’s device to ensure faster loading even if the network is weak or slow. The cached version will load on the device of your frequent visitors unless there have been changes on the page. You should get your website designing company to ensure this feature for your website.


Life is a race and you want to be first to enjoy the best rewards. There are many ways to make your websites or blogs load faster. This will not only give your customers a better service but also improve your ratings in search engines like Google.

Originally published at on August 17, 2020.



Stintlief Technologies

Stintlief Technologies LLP has grown immensely into a next generation tech driven company with client base spread across the globe.